How law jobs change - The bi-coastal law firm ambitions of Marc Dreier

One of the frequent complaints heard from 'branch office lawyers' is that they're alienated from the main office, or feel somehow disenfranchised. New York lawyer Marc Dreier runs a successful New York practice under the same name and has got not only ambitious plans to develop a bi-coastal practice, but also an innovative way of compensating lawyers.
Dreier runs his firm like a business, adopting an 'eat what you kill' attitude towards fees and an entrepreneurial attitude towards his firm's growth - including lawyer compensation. The lawyers are paid bonuses directly related to their fees generated with some working on what American Lawyer called "affiliates" that are often separate legal entities that share resources but maintain a separate entity.
So what does all this mean for the young lawyer looking for a good job? Flexibility. Be prepared to take on roles that didn't previously exist, in firms that didn't exist a few short years ago. Law jobs, just like law firms, are changing constantly.
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