Better Law Jobs = Less Money. Huh?
Can it be right? Lawyers looking for less money? Yesterday, around 125 law students from some of the best law schools in America - think Yale, Harvard, Stanford et al - emailed the largest law firms in the country to not only announce their new organization - Law Students Buildings A Better Legal Profession - but to also outline what should be done to build a better environment for lawyers.
What the law students want is law firms to sign a charter for sane work conditions, including:
- Making concrete steps towards a transactional billing system;
- Reducing maximum billable hour expectations for partnership;
- Implementing balanced hours policies that work; and
- Making work expectations clear.
The firm wants students to know which firms have signed on to its principles and intends conducting presentations about the work requirements at the law schools. It also makes it clear that it understands that signing on means less money. Fine by them. If that's the cost, then so be it.
Let's see what happens with this new Bill of Rights For Lawyers.
Labels: law jobs law school legal